Sunday, December 16, 2012


         Assalamualaikum w.b.t people. Was so long time ago last I enter this to write a post. I miss this page damn much! How I miss writing stories, crying myself out here. Even though I looks stupid, so what? I never care about that. It seems like this was my interest. Used to say once, I love writing posts to improve my writing and speech skills. 

Ya Allah, I really missed this. I used to have my linger time during uni days as well as while I was doing my internship in Kelana Jaya. While reaching my final days in internship, I started to get busy looking for a job. I went to several job interviews. I gaiend lots and lots of experience in facing interviews and my personal opinion about that is you are selling yourself and your values to others :P I earned loads of confidenc. Know why?? When you talks to people from your outside cling, you'll get new opinions and ideas. You'll know how people looks at you. You'll know how people judge you. Professional people will always give professional ideas. That was what I thinks back then. I was so fresh. I used to tell friends that I was an interviewphobic. lol :P

Well, out of 4-5(can't remember) interviews, I got 3 offers out of it and I took one. And here I am. A Software Test Engineer. How cool is that post to me back then. Not anymore. Quite blur what is am going to tell tonite. Let's ramble :P

By the ways, since 5months ago, I always wanted to post something here everytime I did something new, as usual, everytime I learned something new etc but the thing is I don't think blogging can be inserted into my 24hrs now. I stole few of it to be spent with my loved ones. Most of it will be going to work. I know I'll get bored sooner or getting tired but lets pray that the time will come  later. 

I really miss writing. I missed to let myself out in a way that people won't have to listen to what I'm going to say and tell. Instead I know that random and anonymous people will read it and I felt it that way. 

But thing is, I really missed everything. Its not that I'm not happy with my current life but somehow tight schedule makes me always remember my old time. My fat-but-not-this-fat time, my happy-super-unserious-time compared to now. But life must goes on. As always, I love to Ctrl+S my schedule here. Working gets me busy and I love that. It makes me realize my old life is such a waste. Educationally :P I had so much fun, lingering around during my old days. But I love that. That is what I love the most. See? I never get serious with my studies at all. But I do struggle sometimes *crossfinger*




Today is Sunday and I just got back from work. And now is 11.44pm and tomorrow we have to get back to work and I started to let my self in this page. But good thing is now I know how to avoid myself from waking up late for school  work and wake myself up. :D 

p/s: Really want to refresh my blogging interest. Actually, I always want to blog my new life 5 months ago but I couldn't. Lets hope :P
p/ss: Everyone is posting about their convo day. So sweet <3 a="a" and="and" but="but" course="course" do.="do." do="do" dont="dont" few="few" finally="finally" font="font" graduated.="graduated." grateful="grateful" happy="happy" have="have" heart="heart" i="i" later.="later." m="m" nbsp="nbsp" of="of" pictures="pictures" so="so" that="that" to="to" will="will">
Till then, x0x0.

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