Thursday, May 12, 2011

To-do-list ~

Hai. Assalamualaikum alls! Happy xhappy wt entry tengah mlm bute smbil tgk NORA ROBERTS HIGH NOON. Ingt ade CSI ke HOUSE ke.. Okeh! Baru bukak email setelah sekian lame xbukak. Cuti almost 4months ni I have couple of things in mind. Lets cekidaut!!

  • Work.
Sebab this job I manage to write or bring my netbook so that I can finish modifying my thesis code. And playing with client-server kt netbeans. This job my sister suggested since she worked at this boutique for two months. She got company but not for me. Boleh je ajk membe lepak2 kot. TApi nk gerak ke sane tuh xjafi2 lagi. So sdpt lagi lah keje tu. Beba memang suke bertangguh. Tapi cm xpuas ag cuti. Layan budak kepoh tuh kt umah. How? Lagipun banyak dah fikir ( fikir masak2 lah tu kononnye?) Boleh wt thesis kt kedai, pas2 kedai tuh boleh cuti sehari seminggu. Time tu g nilai jumpe prof. )

  • Thesis
Of Course lah to finish the degree by huk or by keruk kene lah mantapkan bahagian ini yea Cik Bibah. Setakat ni banyak ag lah kalau nk kene wat system analysis and design. Huhu. Banyak words yg ngeri2 gitu kan. Kalau I need something I have to go to meet Professor Kamaruzzaman ( Cehh...panjang name kau letak nokkss) .  Nak kene habiskan dengan successful yea.. InsyaAllah.
  • ISAS
NAik2 je sem baru, kene settlekan hal ISAS.  Banyak gak kene setel. Tapi dah divide unit. Tapi tengok2 cm banyak gak la. So kene letak full-effort. Sebab this is our Honours-Seminar project. So cm exam kene sungguh2. Btw, ISAS got 'his' own blog. Well, kindly click here  to view our seminar info..

Tu je pun. Nak gebang banyak xleh ah sebab memang niat nk goyang kaki je kt umah :) Layan budak kepoh nih kt umah really made my day :) Sebab die sgt byk ckp. Bebel macam die sorg reti bercakap ! Hehe. Tapi time moody dah dtg nk tido mule ah. Merengek2 nk tgk 'apa tebang' la... 'upin ipin' la... Nak chuggington lah. 'akut jam' lah. hahaha funny seriously funny. Cane nk keje? Dah happening gile duk ngan die. Kalau xde org memang xleh nk renggang. 'Ngerak' org klntn panggil. 

Nak2 xde bibik dah skrg, bibik pregnant xleh keje dah. Memang xleh wt ape lah.. Wondering how will this budak behave time dah ade adik nanti. Skrg sedap lagi lah kalau tanye ' adik ane?' die jwb 'kt ama' haha. We'll wait and see. 

Btw, nk cte sikit nehh~ Mari dekat mari dekat.. The upcoming seminar will be held at USIM, Nilai. It is an annual program organized by our course. Basically the seminar will be talking about security lah of-course. Computer Science. Usually the participation will be coming from the associate university that offer Computer Science program or related to security in cyber. So last year I involved in the registration counter. So I managed to korek2 which uni are invited. So it came out like (I xberape ingat sangat);
  • UTM
  • UiTM
  • Cannot remember dah :P

Well. As FYI. For those who is interested to join the seminar kindly refer to the page that have been provided. Thank you.

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