ARGH!!sgt2 bosan neh!!mggu lps pg pd...3mggu b4 pg cameron...ABAH!!!nk pg jln g boleh???!!Abah ade ckp nk g t'ganu plak..not sure ble..
wuts for sure is b4 urwah,adikku fly ke India for his degree in medics..
nih gmbr die time MU vs M'SIA ri2..sory..aku curik from ur fb ;)halal ea ;P
So, taun nih jek dah bp kali g oliday~b4 nih xpnh2 kn? cuti tggl lbh kurang 3weeks..adik aku bkl terbang insyaAllah like 3@weeks..we asked him, he's answer pn still not sure..but then we assume about 3-4weeks jgk la..Abah 4 sure..a lot of preparation for him..ktorg??kakak2 tersyg nih..blum plan nk bg ape kt die.. Td kakak asked him,"wah, dah buat ke visa passport and all that?" die jwb "passport dah buat..murah 50% for students who want to further their studies abroad.." good2..m'sia nih sgt menggalakkan citizens wt degree kt over-c kn?
ok2..feelings....i told my frens,kakak2,n to also..i'm gonna be sooooo sedih when he's gonna fly nanti..i..for sure i akn nangis kot..xpnh ag dorg g study over-c..hehe..xde sape dah nk gaduh2 nanti..even time kakngah study kt usm,klantan dlu pn i xske time die nk blek u..rse cm sunyi..xde sape kt umh..nih..kt india lg..huhuhu..
.....arghh!i akn get used tu lah..nk get used to tuh lme ke??x kot..alah..i memg nggak shuke pisah2 nih..nggak shuke!! 5taun..lme kott~..i nk plan2 kawen lg 4taun(ecececeh~gatai no...umy tau nih xke mati i)ooops!shhhh..jgn gtau ;)..ko msti blek la kn..huurrmmm...
So.back to da topic..i boring ke duk kt umh???owh..tidak lah boring..cume i buat bnd sme lah setiap hari..lately i bgun lewat..umy sye agk kurang senang d c2..jd??bagaimana??xtau~~~ kne la start bgun awl blek..bru boleh kn..bdn i mkin mok2 la..huhu ;(..lumrah & fitrah hidup bukan? duduk dirumah smbil goyang kaki sementara tgn menaip sesuatu di komputer riba..hbs??mahu apa lagi??dont expect sumthing else..sbb dats d only outcome yang akn kuar if i duk kt rumh tanpe melakukan ape2..mujur xlari..ok2..bak kate pepatah umy.."umy nk tgk ummu slim la cket..bkn sbb ape pn..other than MAKIN CHANTEQ, bdn pn sihat je kn.."kihkih..saye suke dnga ayat itew! ahaks gedix pn teringin nk lihat bdn saye kecil sedikit umy ku syg..mkin chantek katenye..usehe saye xkuat..itu sahaje komen saye ye...
dri dlu kot umy motivate cm2..hehehe..yela2... i cube..nanti i nk pg london weight management boleh??huhu..skunk xde duit yang byk..hehe..alasan.
so..bak kate" cket ea..i tgk mkin naik la.." huhuhuhu..baik sdg usehekn... untuk umy,untuk u,untuk i jgk...
The most important thing to start a diet is "DETERMINATION"..and offcourse semangat juang yang tinggi lah kn?usaha lme2 berjaye la kn??same mcm nk msuk u..usehe dr kecik lg..umy abh anta msuk skolah taski abim..6yrs old dah pg tadika..i went to taski by bicycle okey..jgn mrh~...7yrs old i went to my first school..Sekolah Kebangsaan Kajang, and also my parents sent us to sekolah agama Sekolah Rendah Agama Sg.Kantan, I got 1A 4B's for my UPSR..huhu..4 this time being i got the lowest result for UPSR ;( but then, i went to at the age of 13, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Jln3, BBB, i went there just for the middle of my study in form2, i was transfered to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan SAAS,Kajang, that was because i did sumthing there..its not that serious till my parents got me transfered..yet they just felt that i'm not belong thought is always the best..In 2004, i got 7A's and 2B's for PMR..hehe..the year is the happiest year for me..i felt that i'm able to compensate for my UPSR kn??after that i went to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Maahad Hamidiah Kajang, as my result was rewarding so, my dad applied for me there.Unfortunately, i am a very ungrateful dotter sor my parents ;'(.. i got 3A's, 6B's n 3C's for my SPM..but then i got the offer to Matrik Johore, after that i'm here in USIM to further my study in BSc Computer Science with Honest majoring in Information Security and Assurance. i said just now kn...panjang perjlnn nye...katenye...bru bleh ke menara gading...nk berjaye nih kne ade susah snang la kn??kne berperit maung..berpenat i already have an lah bersungguh2...hwaiting!!!!!
nk post gmbr boleh???among my fav pix ;)
favpic #1
fav pic#2
fav pic#3
hehe..**i perasan..i memg shuke shangat pix yangbersame org lain..shuwit banget ;) klau sorg2 malu nk sengih smpi telinge ;)
okeyh..i edit kasi flawless..time kaseh ;)